AL-Kareem Al Hajj Pakistan (pvt)Ltd.renowned and most trusted name in the field of Hajj , Umrah and Zayarat services, and serving the guests of Allah with commitment.Our Knowledge and cinsideration will be your guide during the visit and will be the most memorable journey in your life time. AL-Kareem Al Hajj Pakistan (pvt)Ltd.renowned and most trusted name in the field of Hajj , Umrah and Zayarat services, and serving the guests of Allah with commitment.Our Knowledge and cinsideration will be your guide during the visit and will be the most memorable journey in your life time. We have a strong tradition since last 10 years in serving our customers with honesty, dedication and true sense of responsibility. Your experience with Al Karimee will give you complete satisfaction in your travel needs while giving you true value for your money.